Found a Baby Bird?

It happens every year. You're walking along and find a tiny creature on the ground - a baby bird! What should you do?

First, stop and observe. If the bird appears to be a baby that has fallen from its nest, you can try to locate the nest and carefully return it. If the bird has feathers, it may be a fledgling out to explore its surroundings with a parent bird near by. As long as the bird is in no danger from cats or other predators, it is best to watch from a distance to see if a parent returns. Give it some time. If after an hour or so, you haven't seen a parent, the bird may need your help.

Birds do not have a true sense of smell, so the myth that birds will reject a baby bird if touched by a human is not true. A baby bird that has been touched by a human, however, does make it easier for a predator (cat, raccoon, etc.) to find.

If you can't find the nest or the bird is “rescued,” the first important step is to call a rehabilitator to care for it. Second, provide warmth by placing the bird in a box with a hot water bottle, low heating pad or even hot water in a glass bottle will do.

How you can help an injured bird?

Taking care of injured birds and wildlife should be left to people who know how to do it best. Contact our store for help locating a rehabilitator in our area.